Sister | Teen Ink


July 4, 2011
By 1eastSheaLynch SILVER, Glens Falls, New York
1eastSheaLynch SILVER, Glens Falls, New York
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What is wrong with my family?
My mother's flatulence.
My aunt's cocaine addiction.
Uncle Jack's third nipple.
My brother's rash.
And now my sister's ingrown toe nail.
How I feel ashamed to tell the tale,
The worst of them all.
When my sister fell from the jungle gym
And stubbed her little big toe.
And how it swelled and swelled,
To twice its size.
It grew so much that it started to grow limbs.
Even eyes and a mouth to squeal in horror
Every time my sister wore shoes.
She would have to go barefoot, in the snow,
To school.
And because of the monstrous toe
She lost her friends.
But her family stayed put.
My mother made her beans every morning and the farting,
Oh it relieved my sister's pain.
My uncle would tell her stories to cheer her up.
As my aunt shot up cocaine to reduce the swelling.
My brother's rash medicine helped too,
Although it smelled like stew.
We all helped her.
Through this ordeal.
As I moved out,
Saying "Goodbye you freaks".
And closed the door.

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