"I Don't Want To Be" | Teen Ink

"I Don't Want To Be"

July 3, 2011
By StacyD BRONZE, Saint Louis Park, Minnesota
StacyD BRONZE, Saint Louis Park, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"God would never put me through something that I wouldn't be able to handle."

If I had wings and could fly,
here is where I would choose not to be.
Locked in your captivation,
living life in deprivation.
I would choose to be free.
As time runs out,
I learn this is no longer the person I want to be.
I know that if you ever got the chance,
you would clip my wings.
You do not love me,
you just want to own me.
I don't want to be captivated.
I want to be free.

The author's comments:
This was based on a tough time I was going through in my life.

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