Used to, Then, Now | Teen Ink

Used to, Then, Now

June 20, 2011
By Anonymous

You used to be my friend,
The person I looked up to.
You used to be so kind and caring,
Always protecting other people.
You used to be a leader,
Standing up for what you believed in.
You used to love your family,
More than anything else in the world.

Then you began to change,
A person I began to doubt.
Then you became selfish and mean,
Pushing people out of the way.
Then you became unsure,
Suddenly only trusting yourself.
Then you began to prioritize the people in your life,
Putting friends first.

Now you are an enemy,
A person I am afraid of.
Now you are sinister and deceiving,
Always lying to other people.
Now you are a follower,
Mixing with the wrong crowd.
Now you only love your friends,
Leaving your family in the dust.

You used to be my sister,
Then you became a chameleon,
Now you are a complete stranger.

The author's comments:
This piece was inspired by my sister after she changed.

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