The Man in the Black Cloak | Teen Ink

The Man in the Black Cloak

July 7, 2011
By Margaret Swearman BRONZE, North Huntingdon, Pennsylvania
Margaret Swearman BRONZE, North Huntingdon, Pennsylvania
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There is a man in a black cloak.
He waltzes down the streets.
Eventually he'll take the hand
of everyone he meets.

He guides them far away from home,
and away from all their friends.
Yes, he guides them through the dark
to meet their final ends.

I sit and ponder if now is the time
I'll get to know him better.
I sit and ponder him
as I write my love one last letter.

I finish writing and stand to leave,
and as I rise I move my chair.
I thought I heard a sound...
a foot fall on the stair?

I stop and think twice
as I adjust my belt.
I fall before I can stop.
What was that I just felt?

There's been a knock upon my door.
Could it truly be
that the jolly man in his black cloak
has finally come for me?

Indeed it's he that's standing there
when I open up the door.
Then, I look back to where my body hangs,
feet dangling above the floor.

He makes no sound, but takes my hand,
and together we waltz far away.
I always wondered when I'd meet him,
but never dreamt it would be today.

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