Memories of You | Teen Ink

Memories of You

June 30, 2011
By polarbear93 SILVER, Durham, North Carolina
polarbear93 SILVER, Durham, North Carolina
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Memories are forever and angels have wings,

There's holes in the floor of heaven because happiness shines down on me.

I take a deep breath and look at this sight,

Knowing you're watching over me through heaven's bright light. Peace feels my heart and love feels my mind,

The memories take over and I'm by your side.
We talk about school and how the day's been,

The newspaper crossword is on the table with a pen,

The comics have been read and put away again.

Not far out of reach is your blue coffee mug,

And your water with the crunchy ice in the cup.

Last Christmas you wore that red Santa hat,

The live Christmas tree with the colorful lights and the pretty angel on top.

Taking naps and cuddling close, Listening to you sing "You are my Sunshine" and drifting off to sleep.

Purple was our favorite color and Eeyore was adorable.
Giving and getting bear hugs along with kisses each night.
Those precious memories I hold close to my heart,

And there's so many more that the list goes on and on.

I cherish each one,

There all I've got,

I wrap up my thoughts and drift off to sleep,

If I listen really close I can still hear you sing to me.

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