Puzzle Pieces | Teen Ink

Puzzle Pieces

June 20, 2011
By Sosii GOLD, Chicago, Illinois
Sosii GOLD, Chicago, Illinois
14 articles 0 photos 11 comments

My stomach pains me,
I feel the cold feeling of hurt beneath my veins.
I try to stand up,
but its as if I was punched in the abdomen.

The adrenaline of pain rests in my heart,
shattering my life to pieces.
Why is it that every love song, each one has to do with you?

Why, why, why?
Pain I don't want, but accept anyway.
I wish we could fly and never come back,
our moment of perfection.

My heart consists of shattered pieces,
all of them hurt, all the more painfully.
Only you,
you're the only person in the world who can put the puzzle of my heart together.

The author's comments:
Some parts of our hearts are missing, but there's that one person that can put it all together.

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