Deathwish Driving | Teen Ink

Deathwish Driving

June 25, 2011
By Allyivia GOLD, Davenport, Iowa
Allyivia GOLD, Davenport, Iowa
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"First kiss. With who and where" Interviewer
"Well...actually that's how I met Bob" Frank Iero

So many teenagers eagerly rush to get their licenses
Like the adults that cram into stores days before Christmas
Eager to get what they want and get it now
But I do not join the throng
Nervous fear screams through my veins when I get behind the wheel
My heart triples it's pace as we zoom along the roads
Turn now?
Right now?
Foot jumps from gas to brake
Sweat soaked hands frantically twist the wheel
As soon as the wheels are turned foot hops from brake to stomp on gas
The tires squeal in excitment as we shoot down the hill
Oh s*** red light
Nearly get whiplash from squashing the brakes
All clear and the car crawls forward before sprinting across the intersection
Another frantic turning of the wheel
A jarring bump that makes your teeth snap
And the nerve-racking drive is finished

The author's comments:
My 9th theme was: Drive

So I wrote about driving which as you can see scares the crap out of me
Does anyone else feel like this when they first began driving?

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