Simply Fear | Teen Ink

Simply Fear

June 24, 2011
By theskinnyonlife GOLD, Saint Louis, Missouri
theskinnyonlife GOLD, Saint Louis, Missouri
18 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Live. Laugh. Love"

Fear is blood dripping off a knife,
Effortlessly plunged in your chest,
Making your heart drop to your stomach,
Your teeth chatter from the chill,
Crawling down your spine,
Freezing the blood flowing through your veins,

You can't shake the tremors coursing through your body,
You can only sit,
And wait,

Your throat closes,
Lungs gasping for breath,
You feel helpless,
A baby bird pushed suddenly from its nest,

Your mind races for the source,
Searching for answers that aren't there,
There is no solution.

The author's comments:
Fear is something everyone has within their soul. I wanted to capture the true essence of fear and how it is not something that should be taken lightly. It is something that can stay with you forever.

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