Take a Look | Teen Ink

Take a Look

June 24, 2011
By theskinnyonlife GOLD, Saint Louis, Missouri
theskinnyonlife GOLD, Saint Louis, Missouri
18 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Live. Laugh. Love"

Look at you,
Now look at me,
What's the difference?

Are we blinded by society?
Or perhaps sided with the rest,
Or maybe you lavish solely in those who look the best,

Life isn't fair,
Nor clear as the air,
It is given to us as a gift,
We must use it to no one's dismay,

Is there a way to cure the wicked?
Or to make the weakened shout?
There is surely an answer,
Hidden among the shadows of doubt.

The author's comments:
This is a short reflection on life and society. I hope people will get a new outlook on life and how to treat people. Not everyone looks like Marilyn Monroe, not everyone has the brains like Albert Einstein, but we are different people, we all have different things to cherish.

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