Gold Fields | Teen Ink

Gold Fields

June 22, 2011
By Anonymous

The desert is full of jewels
made of small metal bits
gold, green, blue, red, and white

So beautiful this is,
the gold field
the green emerald spots
with a blue sapphire circle in the middle

The travelers come and go
through the fields of metal
following the path
not seeing the shine of gems

But there is always some that get lost
they look everywhere
in hopes of finding Lapis lazuli
from the pot of the sapphire circle
so sweet is the blue liquid
to the mouths of wanderers
but finding nothing but their lovely gold

There are hunters here in the fields
they live here among the glittering stones
those who cross paths with them
become their victims
leaving the hunted's real treasure
the spilling of scarlet rubies in liquid form
bodies striped bare to become white and dry pearls

These scavengers came here for riches
not knowing they have been
leaving the gemstones and
living on them all this time

The desert is full of jewels
made of small metal bits
gold, green, blue, red, and white

The author's comments:
This is a metaphor between a desert and gemstones. I was inspired by a picture showing a desert. It made me think wow, that's pretty. Then another thought came to me. Though it looks pretty the desert is no place for me, too dry and dangerous in some. So I had to write using something people think is pretty to explain the somewhat cruel side of the desert.

If it wasn't clear:
The green emerald spots with a blue sapphire circle is an oasis.
The Lapis lazuli is drinking water.
Gold is sand.
The hunters/scavengers are bandits or thieves that live in the desert.
The pearls are the bones/skeletons.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jul. 11 2011 at 7:02 pm
Lola_Black GOLD, Harrison, Michigan
11 articles 2 photos 276 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I've always been famous. It's just everybody's just now finding out." --Lady Gaga

That is so cool!!!!!!! I especially love the last line of the fourth stanza: "but finding nothing but their lovely gold."