Nothing ordinary | Teen Ink

Nothing ordinary

June 19, 2011
By Lucy313 BRONZE, Seattle, Washington
Lucy313 BRONZE, Seattle, Washington
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Conforming to the world --ain't my thing.
Not asking for help
Not asking to prove me wrong.

Truth is universal and justice isn't always fair; either way vengeance isn't mine.

Depending on people--it set me up for the letdown.
SO, now more self-relient then not.

This is blunt: Don't need anyone to help me get through
Life, or anything else

My people are around simply because I enjoy them
Pushing people away--nothing out of the ordinary for me

Some say I'm nice,
But no longer put up with people Taking avantage of my kindness

Sugar coating--not a hobby of mine.
Will forgive you even if you've done me wrong.
But Real friends?
Not quite sure of the definition.

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