Broken Promises | Teen Ink

Broken Promises

May 30, 2011
By Anonymous

I love you
The words
you said were true
I said them to you
I meant them
Still do

You said them back
Said I love you too
This is true
Always will I love you

That promise
I've kept it
Have not

Better for me
It would be
If we're over

That's the excuse that you used
Instead of stating the truth

I do not matter to you
Nor did I ever
You did not love me
And you've broken a promise

I thought over it I would be
But at the sight of you one last time
I cried in a crowd

A crowd of faces watching the band play and march
Doesn't notice a girl on the curb
Crying silently
Broken heartedly
To herself

The author's comments:
My ex-boyfriend broke up with me saying it would be better for me if we no longer spoke to eachother. I was done with crying because of him and I let him go. I saw him marching with the band and it made me want to cry. I hate his guts because of what he has put me through, though I have not broken that promise I made. I still love him.

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