Never One | Teen Ink

Never One

June 5, 2011
By BABYGIRL333 GOLD, Naturita, Colorado
BABYGIRL333 GOLD, Naturita, Colorado
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
The day i stop loving you is the day i close my eyes forever!

She was never one to admit she was wrong
All the choices she had chosen and he being the only one to come true
There had to be more to the fact she couldn't love a guy like that
He was cruel and worthless
After all the nights i stayed up cleaning her wounds and drying her tears
He promised never again
The next night he was at it again
She said she deserved it and she just did something wrong
I could tell in her eyes she was scared for her life
Each night she prayed he would just fall asleep
She lay helplessly in her bed trying to think of another day
Every night i would leave just to come back the next day
To find new bruises or cuts
She would smile and say she fell but we knew very well
He was at it again just a different tone and a new part of skin
That night came that i had to leave
Leave her alone once more with that man
The next day i came to see her bright warm face
But instead i found a body with ice in her soul
She tried to fight back but there was no end in sight
He never stopped tell she was gone
That beautiful face, that wonderful smile
How sad to see it gone
She was never one to admit she was wrong!

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