The Unknown | Teen Ink

The Unknown

June 9, 2011
By Anonymous

The unknown is gray,
But full of wonder,

The unknown is a
Burning ember upon the ground,
A burning ember,
Without a sound,
A dark hole of doom,
In you go, zoom!
A 3 by 5 cardboard box,
Inside that box there is a fox,
One glance out of its comfy box
Is now a grumpy fox,
Full of fear
Full of doubt
The unknown

It must find something,
To fill that unknown,
To satisfy its restless mind,
Before it’s too late,
But that’s just the bait,
Never too late.

So they call it a valley full of bees,
An overwhelming pile of diverse keys,
But the others say…

The unknown is a pile of plain pebbles,
But sometimes you’ll find an agate,

The unknown is controlled by one being,
Waiting for us to find it,
Guiding us to light it,

The unknown is
Just the sidekicks,
Revolving around us,

The unknown is
A giant whale
That swallows things whole

The unknown is the unknown

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