under the trees | Teen Ink

under the trees

June 9, 2011
By Anonymous

the sadness grows as the days go by
my hearts tearing slowly...
its making me cry...
as i sit here writing this love lorn piece
I'm wondering where you could possibly be
i remember when we would sit together under the trees
you would hold me and i would smile blissfully
i remember your green eyes and your amazing smile
you would kiss me softly and id fall asleep at night
then came the day so tragically that something happened
and we split....like a blade through my chest you just turned away
not a goodbye not an I'm sorry not even a hug
i remember i saw you a few weeks ago
your once green eyes now pierced through me like ice
you amazing smile gone and where it was a grI'mace formed
so as i sit here thinking about you
the tears spill out of my eyes splashing on my cheeks
as i remember you...and the days we spent under the trees

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