You.. | Teen Ink


June 5, 2011
By WhoAreWe BRONZE, Memphis, Tennessee
WhoAreWe BRONZE, Memphis, Tennessee
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

are letting them ruin the perfection.
are following, not leading.

I can see the words inside your silence
But i can't speak about your pain for you.
You are silenced by fear.
You are burned alive by silence.
You are killed by the fire
that set us ablaze.
You put out the spark
with your own sabatoge
Correct me if I'm wrong.
I am no longer equipped,
only because you stopped providing.
You stopped talking.
You stopped trusting.
You stopped...being you.
The you I know,
is not afraid.
The you i know,
and does not allow fear to play a part.
Say what you want
So you're here again,
Sparks hid behind your teeth
But won't say a word
With fear of failure spreading.
Why is it that everyone else has the answers?
Silenced, you are.
Pull the words from your throat.
Set them on fire
And let them drift in the air
Everything has consequence
So why are you afraid now.
Let you speak.
Instead of letting them have the throne.
For I am far from scared of what it is
that you long to release
from your troubled mind.
Troubled mind it is that you have.
Filled with the fear.
Of the one you call ______.
Homesickness longing for your sun kissed state.
I have carved your name into the wood.
Only knowing that it shall soon be only a distant memory
of what we did have.
Of what might be lost.
Of the perfection.
But we were never perfect,
were we?
Not perfect enough to let
them come between us.
Well the bridges have been burned
Which side are you on?
I am on the other side of the lava.
You burn as well,
But we are not on
the same side.
For you don't allow me to be.
Get me a band aid.
Because I'm bleeding from
the self destruction.

The author's comments:
i have nothing to say. other than the a hell with lights that we can follow and be led to joy, but eventually that light WLL go out. just like mine has.

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