The Choice, Our Choice | Teen Ink

The Choice, Our Choice

June 7, 2011
By DaDiNg BRONZE, San Jose, California
DaDiNg BRONZE, San Jose, California
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Why is it that we see with confused eyes?
There actually is meaning in lullabies.
But there is also reality.
The emotions that swirl.
The twisters and blisters and sores as we twirl.
There's more than two choices, two options, two paths
And they branch out and spread and we do the math.
Life is held valuable, and death we hold fear.
But there is no destiny.
No futures are clear.
The plans are not set in concrete or stone.
And there is always a sense of being alone.
There is a choice.
There will always be choices.
The friends that we choose.
The ones that we love.
The actions we take.
So look up above!
Imagine the future.
What's there to do?
There isn't a limit,
No thing you can't do.
This value is true.
No matter what people say
There are things we can do
That keep us alive
But there are things that hinder us
That infatuate and limit us
The reality of it all
Is to try and not fall
On the staircase high up.
To strongly stand tall
To keep the sun in the sky.
To soar and fly.
But there is also a reality.
The future is not clear.
But the moon is not feared.
Life can be wrought with regret.
But the end is never near.
New discoveries are made.
Not always good or bad.
Life isn't concrete
It can always be sad.
But the choices,
Our choices,
Are limitless.
To be a hero or a villain.
To be pretentious or humble.
Or to be nothing at all.
The desires are chosen
So that the sun will go down
And our full moon will rise
To truly show us
What goes on in our eyes.

The author's comments:
This was just a random poem I decided to write. At the moment, I feel a bit anguished, and I hope people will understand that this poem isn't completely about the choices that we make. There's also something else to it that I won't reveal.

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