The Mask part 2 | Teen Ink

The Mask part 2

May 25, 2011
By kill3rpuppy GOLD, Jeffersonvilee, New York
kill3rpuppy GOLD, Jeffersonvilee, New York
13 articles 0 photos 3 comments

You find it comical how you still wear this mask. You've had it for about ... 4 years now. You wear it so much sometimes you forget that you even had it on. You don't care anymore though, at least you try not to. You completely numb yourself so that you don't think about how you are one big lie. However deep down you know you just want to take it off in public and let the whole world know how you really feel. But you're afraid, they'll judge you, they won't understand. You're also not entirely sure about that, but you can't take they chance, it would hurt too much to be wrong. You still pray that someone will see through this mask, you even try to give signals, but as soon as they ask if you're okay you lie and say you're fine. That's why you need to have someone see through it, cause you can't take it off by yourself, it's been to long. So you'll hope and pray, and try to remember the times when you never wore this horrible mask.

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