The Mask | Teen Ink

The Mask

May 25, 2011
By kill3rpuppy GOLD, Jeffersonvilee, New York
kill3rpuppy GOLD, Jeffersonvilee, New York
13 articles 0 photos 3 comments

You feel down, depressed, and you hurt inside. And yet you are smiling, why, because you don't want them to see your pain, no one. Deep down you wish someone could see through this mask, but they don't they never do. Only when you're by yourself do you let that mask fall. Sometimes by accident you let it fall in public but no one notices, they're all blind to your pain. You worry that you'll never get rid of it. That thought chills you to the bone. So you convince yourself that that's not true, that you'll be able to tell someone eventually or maybe someone will even see through it. Then hopefully that emptiness will go away, and you'll never have to wear that dreaded mask again.

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