Idleness | Teen Ink


May 25, 2011
By Anonymous

I know the light that rises in the East
yet I see only that of the West’s mourn
oft I clasp at the soul pulse beneath my skin
then I veil the gaping pit, my rotting heart

the fear of being, the fear of flight
binds me as a rope restraining my wrists
where I can neither reach for nor feel
the light of day, only the night’s shade

I know your face
sifting and fading as swift as sand
in a hazed desert storm or as leaves
carried in autumn’s crisp breath

Breath, I remember its face
balmy caresses drawn down my cheeks
a pricking draft towing tears to my eyes,
yet I know not of your sweet breath
my mind wanders through what I know
and what I only know of
I pace and hear no Other’s pitter patter
I embrace but could not speak of its solace

I look, but nothing exhausts my eyes
colours fade gray, sounds echo solely silence
I feel tremors, these minor beats
I have life yet refuse to live

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