Memories | Teen Ink


May 24, 2011
By SydSparks BRONZE, Sandy, Utah
SydSparks BRONZE, Sandy, Utah
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Thinking back on my past,
I wonder why it left so fast.

I want to go back to elementary school,
Where no one cared if you were strange or cool.

The kids in your class all got along,
And waiting to go to school seemed to take too long.

You never wanted to stay home all day,
‘Cause you and your friends wanted to play.

You learned to share and always care,
And never worried about the looks of your hair.

Recess was always our favorite part,
We couldn’t wait till it would finally start.

Your friends were everywhere,
And you knew they would always be there.

Our classes seemed like families,
And mine was always the best, you see.

I wonder why my past left me so quick,
But I know my memories will always stick.

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