Prescription | Teen Ink


May 24, 2011
By zzhuzar BRONZE, Mount Prospect, Illinois
zzhuzar BRONZE, Mount Prospect, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You make my body sick when you leave
You are my prescription
You are my protection
You are my cure for my aching body
It is sick, its sicking for you to be near it.

This girl, she is my oxygen, she makes me flow
She is my blood she runs through me
She is running through my mind
She is tired; I become her oxygen, her blood.
Together we are one.

Girl, girl, let me tell you a little secret.
Girl you are prescription
Girl you are my addiction
You are the causation
Of this sick-nation
Girl you’re the new pandemic
It’s true beauty
It’s spreading faster than the black plague
But you are the angel of salvation
That will bring our protection

You are diamond in the dirt
It just can’t be hurt
I’m your dirt
I cover you
Like your clothes cover your body
I am your protection
I am your prescription for when you are ill

Girl, girl, let me tell you a little secret.
Girl you are fire
Girl you are an addiction
Girl you’re an illness
You make anyone sick
Sicker for you
I’m beyond sick, I need you baby

Girl, girl, let me tell you a little secret.
Girl you need to be my memories
Girl you need to be the flames in me
You are the causation
Of these feeling pumping through me
It’s true; it’s an accurate prediction
That anyone could of foreseen
It’s just more than a dream
Its reality and its true
Girl, girl, you are my addiction
You are my prescription that I never want to be off of.

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