Purple Rain (The Creation Of Me) | Teen Ink

Purple Rain (The Creation Of Me)

May 23, 2011
By Anonymous

Purple rain falling from the sky’s eyes to the earth’s body
Washing impure skin like a shower of amethyst crystals
Decorating my soul with purple flowers to go with beautiful black flowers matching elegant black eyes
Purple rain cleaning soul of suffering minds
Mending the cracks in broken hearts
Easing the restless to sleep
Leaving purple kisses on flowers
Enveloping the tired, hurt, and scared in a blanket of comfort, love, understanding
Giving infertile women and men the children they’ve always wanted
Washing away the pained tears of an abused child
Scaring away the evils that plague us all
Coloring in the dark garden-like soul with purple light
Forming purple puddles for happy little children to play in
Painting the earth with a beautiful purple/violet color
Smiling its warm, loving, gentle smile at me
Embracing my soul in a friendly hug as if we were best friends
Kissing my skin with violet lips like little violet fingers tickling my skin so lightly that I want to giggle
Loving me as if I were its little amethyst child
Forever protecting my heart like a mother protecting their child
Purple rain caused by a purple goddess crying through the clouds that give the sky a face of sadness, pain, and understanding.
The goddess of purple rain combining the skies with the earth, making a beautiful, loving, caring, sweet, intelligent, all around nice baby girl.
The goddess of purple rain gave birth to a beautiful little girl with soft fragile brown skin, short black hair, and dark brown eyes that look like black lakes of life, emotions, and unconditional love.
This beautiful, adorable, loving child is dressed in a beautiful, flowing gown that grew ever more lovely as she became older.
She always wore black with fully bloomed black roses and withering amethyst flowers.
She loved and loved with all heart as if all she knew how to love others.
No matter what they did or what they said, she tried to be nice to them because they were not really that different from her and her friends and family.
They made fun of her, laughed at her, and made her feel bad about herself and what she stood for.
She tried to be nice, helpful, loving, understanding, and nurturing but they just kept on treating her so wrong.
This is when she realized the she needed to become stronger and able to stand up for herself.
She dyed her hair a reddish-brown color that looked so pretty on her.
She told people `no’ more often than she used to.
She stands up for herself and sometime for others.
She loves her friends and family more than they understand.
She knows how to love others but now she knows how love herself first.
She knows who she was, who she is, and who she could be.
She knows how she came to be.
This is how she became me.
Purple rain is the creation of she, the creation of me.

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rhastagirl said...
on Jul. 27 2011 at 4:26 am
rhastagirl, Birmingham, Alabama
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Favorite Quote:

ats my girl gloria