Golden Pearls | Teen Ink

Golden Pearls

May 18, 2011
By Anonymous

it hurts to breathe.
the sun is melting my soul with its toxic flavors,
but the morning dew shields me under its drop.
i hold my freedom shut up tight in a drawer of golden pearls;
a princess in an abyss of lost emotion.
my words are shackled to an idea that is not my own,
poisoned at the roots.
a heart beaten with imagination lurks in the corner of an empty room,
in an upright position.
a memory card becomes a head of its own when surrounded by flesh
and a white horse rides into a fictional sunset.
a crack in the plastic cover cuts my eyes
into diamond shaped pupils
that disappear in an unexpected moment.
time goes by and leaves fall majestically from a tree,
three feet off the ground.
i hide inside my head.

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