Road Rage | Teen Ink

Road Rage

May 18, 2011
By Chelsea7Noel GOLD, N. Tonawanda, New York
Chelsea7Noel GOLD, N. Tonawanda, New York
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Scars remind us where we've been, but they don't dictate where we're going.

Sometimes I feel as though people get into their cars
And temporarily place their brains into glass jars.
On auto pilot, they expect everything to go according to plan.
They don’t grasp the concept, I’m telling you they don’t understand.

On the blvd I get stuck behind glass jar number one
I swear I would go faster if I could just run.
This fool in front of me is holding up the traffic flow
‘cause he’s driving so slow.
And just when I don’t think he could go any slower
His break lights go on…and he goes slower.
He’s turning!
And my insides are burning!
Fools turning with no signal WHAAAAT?!
Are you serious?
Okay let’s not use turning signals and drive like were delirious.

Or you find yourself near Hot Shot Toms who play to many video games
That eventually rots their brains who say:
“I see this light is red and I’m going to speed up to it anyways. And let me pass you in the process
yes…yes, let me pass you in the process. ”

I’m filled with anger and want to scream.
I was taught to drive aggressive but raised to not be mean.
A growl escapes my chest as I try to keep my composure.
I try to act my best until he leaves and it’s all over.

All of these fools with no brains
On the road in all the lanes
Are driving me insane
Yes they’re driving me insane.

They build this rage inside
Behind the wheel, this rage I can’t hide.
This car is now a cage
because I am overtaken by road rage.

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