Time of Discovery | Teen Ink

Time of Discovery

May 18, 2011
By Chelsea7Noel GOLD, N. Tonawanda, New York
Chelsea7Noel GOLD, N. Tonawanda, New York
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Scars remind us where we've been, but they don't dictate where we're going.

Summer comes to an end and boys pack their bags.
Returning to their home away from home, they can’t wait to see their fellow lads.

But little did they know what was to come.
That one brilliant man would teach them that poetry was fun

He taught them to live deep and suck the marrow out of life.
He made them fight to find their own voice.

The boys were intrigued and one day found
Their teacher was formerly in a society no longer allowed.

And thus the Dead Poet Society was revived once more.
They felt empowered and challenged what was once tolerated.
Consequently angered teachers flew through the doors.

One boy went against his parents will, being on stage was the dream that he did fulfill.
When the curtain fell he felt the best thrill, but surprised he found his father eyes fixed with a glare that could kill
His happy moment was washed away without a trace
As he was reprimanded and taken home no emotion evident on his face.

And on that night words were said and emotions were locked in, there was no fight to be won.
For parents ripped the dream and life out of the heart of their beloved son.

Come daylight the other lads had found
That one dead poet had left without a sound.

Angered teachers flew through the doors,
“It’s your fault, his blood is yours!”
Brilliant Teacher was left to blame
He was innocent, but still judgment came.

In the end you come to know a few boys truly did learn, truly did grow.
“O captain my captain, we know the truth”
And in their hearts Teacher saw the proof.

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