Blow My House Down | Teen Ink

Blow My House Down

May 23, 2011
By sarahrmcclain BRONZE, Greenville, South Carolina
sarahrmcclain BRONZE, Greenville, South Carolina
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My mother always taught me to stand firm
against the big, bad wolves of the world.
And I look back to the brick house of my childhood,
supposedly the strongest of all foundation,
that just couldn’t stand strong against the biggest problems,
that failed to hold it all together.

Glaring at the wolf that changed my life forever,
I try to pierce through the cold heart
that beats deep within its icy body.
Is it blind to all the hurt it has caused?
It claims to love and adore,
but contradicts itself time and time again.

Blissful are the young to its deceiving ways.
Naïve of all of its wrong doing
and all evidence of hatred,
for it wears an appealing mask that is
so convincing that the outsiders also trust it.
They are unsuspecting of the ugly that is enclosed.

“The truth will come out…”
But when it does, will people believe,
that the big bad wolf that crushed our lives,
and only caused hard ships and strife,
was supposedly the one that was warm and welcoming?
The truth might come out, but will it be the whole truth?

Change will come,
as a result of the lies and its detrimental threats.
And when it does, karma will not be sweet
because there is a story that the wolf wrote for itself and
the big, bad wolf is no longer the villain,
but the victim.

My mother always taught me to stand firm
against the big, bad wolves of the world.
And when I look back to the brick house of my childhood
that changed my life forever and revealed the unexpected villain,
I realize that all I have to do is wait for change
because what is meant to happen, will happen.

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