So,So | Teen Ink


May 22, 2011
By Kslag993 BRONZE, Chesterfield, Virginia
Kslag993 BRONZE, Chesterfield, Virginia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Love so sweet
Destroyed by
Lust so strong

Friendship so true
Broken by
Lies so deep

Memories so lasting
Fading by
Years so long

Dreams so daring
Shattered by
Reality so hard

You so caring
Damaged by
You so mean

Harmony so heavenly
Out of tune
Clashing so hellish

Peace so quiet
Disrupted by
Violence so loud

Two so united
Torn apart by
Two so lost

Radiance so brilliant
Tarnished by
Darkness so dull

Keeping on so long
Ruined by
Giving up so soon

Hellos so charming
Replaced by
Goodbyes so somber

The author's comments:
this was written after i lost someone i really cared about due to a fight that was really stupid

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