Say Aloud | Teen Ink

Say Aloud

May 22, 2011
By DinoKristy BRONZE, Orient, Ohio
DinoKristy BRONZE, Orient, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I walked to an island; an island of cannibals
They ate rotten flesh like animals
Before I became a menu, I huffed in a pitch of air
Cried out, "Don't you care? The people you are hurting is dying there?"
They looked at their bellies, bones almost sticking out of skin
Their minds went blank and gazed back down again

I went to a circus and saw am acrobat
Walked right up to her and said, "you shouldn't do that!"
She scratched her head and sighed, she told me a bunch of lies
Her body could fall any moment, as she swings and flies

I met a kid in the woods
He told me what he did
When I was finally speechless for once
Finally I couldn't help a person with my tiring runts
I looked down yonder; found my refection in the water
I was trying to be loud like thunder, but with spicy tongue, I caught him
And told him myself
To breath through your lungs and be yourself

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