Faded Memory | Teen Ink

Faded Memory

May 13, 2011
By Lovely-Lie SILVER, Meadow Bridge, West Virginia
Lovely-Lie SILVER, Meadow Bridge, West Virginia
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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She's smiling... but she doesn't mean it. She misses how they use to be... she misses how it was so real how they cared for each other without end but most of all, she misses him always being there and telling her everything will be okay because she need's that now, more then ever. She's sick of feeling like something's missing.

The last time I saw him I was eight
It was my birthday, and oddly enough, things were going great
No cussing or fighting, it was as perfect as it was gonna get
But from then I didn’t know about the storm
That was about to hit
I waited months
Expecting him to come
He never showed, so I decided to run
I might have been young
But the pain I had was real
I kept trying to call, but I ran up the bill
I did the same thing over and over for almost a year
During that time I shed more then one-hundred tears
Even to this day I remember the pain perfectly
And now all he is, is a faded memory
But I must thank him for one little thing…
Thanks “Dad” for making me the strong girl that I am today

The author's comments:
this is a true poem about how my dad left me when i was eight..

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