Drowned | Teen Ink


May 18, 2011
By Katelyn_A BRONZE, Fontana, California
Katelyn_A BRONZE, Fontana, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The world is a place that gives us questions
and who we are is defined by our answers
and the things that make us peer over the bathroom counter to see how we look when we cry.
I'm drawn to the answer of the question:
Which of these things doesn't belong?
I'm drawn to the darkness in the light as much as the light in the darkness.
I'm always waiting for the sunshine,
learning to dance in the rain.
I smile with my entire face, love with my whole heart, and cry over every single song that plays on my heartstrings.
But I'm scared of myself because I want to be perfect
and I don't know who I am.
I want to be everything everyone doubts I could be,
the sun, the moon, the mountains, the sky,
above it all so when I die, I'll be a part of this world forever,
watching quiet moments of pure love, feeling the ocean take me under, and allowing myself to drown in every emotion.
Then we'll all know who I really am.

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