What a Child Sees | Teen Ink

What a Child Sees

April 6, 2011
By ChiquitaBanana BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
ChiquitaBanana BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I don\'t care what anybody says about me as long as its not true.

A child sees a puddle as an ocean. A place where they can splash and sing and get wet.
A child sees a tree as a person. A person that thinks, feels and bleeds when cut. A tree bleeds too.
A child sees a river as a thing that goes. Not a thing that goes somewhere, it just goes. It’s like an adventure.
A child sees a mountain as a mountain. They don’t explain it with fault lines and glaciers. It just Is, and they leave it at that.
Some children see starvation as a part of life. They eat when they can and just keep living because they can’t do anything else.
A child sees a life as precious. A child Never sees suicide as an option. They live and laugh and never consider not living.

A life IS a life and it is precious.
And Please Never Think Your Life Is Any Different

The author's comments:
We should see life through a child's eyes and live with the awe that a bubble can inspire in them.

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on Jun. 15 2011 at 10:49 am
kaykaybeck PLATINUM, Petersburg, Michigan
24 articles 4 photos 80 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life takes you somewhere, love helps you get there.

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