Where I'm From | Teen Ink

Where I'm From

May 12, 2011
By gabval1998 BRONZE, Austin, Texas
gabval1998 BRONZE, Austin, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I am from chicken foot
From ‘Lamby’ and ‘doodle girl’
I am from piggyback carnivals
(Bumpy, horse style, or bed throw,
your choice!)
I am from the candy store in Port Aransas,
From “Fluggernugget Ties”
From sips of energy drinks
That kept us up all night

From home concerts and storm reports,
From Papa’s giant stuffed animals,
From matching blue shirts, and being lost in the mall.

I am from being forgotten at camp
From “Eat over your plate
And “turn off that light!”
I’m from Nathanieal’s ‘Death hugs’
From Palmer’s ‘Dragon stories’

I am from fresh pancakes and ‘Sunny Boy’
Warm cuhrros and olive oil
From ‘I’m gonna get that dog’
Her tail going wild

On my mirror are pictures,
Reflections of the past
Unsure about the future

When I look in that mirror, I do not see the past,
I see me now, carrying on the history, the wonder, the magic
From those photos.

The author's comments:
Inspired by George Ella Lyons

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This article has 2 comments.

MsJuettner said...
on Jun. 16 2011 at 9:32 am
A beautiful, personal poem.  I love how you took George Ella Lyon's original and made it your own.

austinjvmom said...
on Jun. 15 2011 at 2:29 pm
I think this poem is vey creatively written and shows a very personal side to it's author.  I would like to read more!