"Together We Can" | Teen Ink

"Together We Can"

May 11, 2011
By BralynFalcon BRONZE, White Castle, Louisiana
BralynFalcon BRONZE, White Castle, Louisiana
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Each day an innocent soul is taken
A mother’s heart it breaking
A call is taken, hearing the words of
“There has been a shoot out downtown”
What route have I taken?

Life is not game
It’s more than what you think of
The blood that pumps from your heart, which flows through our veins
Sends off an evil thought in our brains
That changes your mind frame, but just for a minute

Don’t pull the trigger
Don’t take that puff
Times get hard, and life is rough
But violence is wrong
And so are drugs

A child is born, then that life is gone
Because someone took that shot
But they didn’t mean any harm

Some people do drugs until the pain is over
Think about it which one is worst
The pain or the hangover?

Don’t shoot that gun
Take your time and think
Is this the right choice?

Together we can stop the violence
Together we can stop drug use
Together we can make communities a better place
So come together and change a life

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