Little Bird | Teen Ink

Little Bird

May 3, 2011
By andss BRONZE, Gretna, Louisiana
andss BRONZE, Gretna, Louisiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Little bird
Perched upon a branch
You make me smile

Little one
Sitting on that lonely bench
You make me cry

Pretty bird
Up so high
I wish I was up there too

Lonely one
So deep in the endless questions that circle your mind
Why are you so alone?

Black bird
Flying away
Why do you leave me here?

Still one
Sitting so motionless when you could be discovering this magnificent land
Why do you stay right there?

Fleeting bird
You have lost a feather
It falls to my feet

Forgetful one

Your thoughts will soon be elsewhere forgetting I was ever here

I have left you this to remember me by

Thoughtful bird
It’s so delicate in my hands
No one has ever given me something so beautiful

Mourning one

I see that glistining drop escape from your eye

Please don’t weep while I’m away

Tiny bird
I can barely see you now
Where have you gone to?

Frozen one
Are you still sitting there?
Why haven’t you moved on?

Little bird
You leave me in the dust
Why don’t you take me with you?

Little one

I haven’t left you

You have merely forgotten to move

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