Spring | Teen Ink


April 15, 2011
By christoperson SILVER, Spokane, Washington
christoperson SILVER, Spokane, Washington
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

And so we sit.
Like tiny children that are new to the world that surrounds us, we’ll sit.
Next to each other.
And into the grass and into the earth, we’ll sit.
For what seems like the first time in our lives,
We’ll dream.
We’ll sit, next to each other.
With our hearts wide open and they’ll soak out in the sun.
Imaginary music can fill us up to the rim,
As we fall in love,
Over and over again.
Beside the wind,
The light and the flowers that are born into spring.
We can sit.
Can we just stay here forever?
Into this moment,
We will bask in the remembrance of a time when we didn’t know what anything but love,
Ever really did felt like.
Into the nature and into the lives that could be our own,
Let’s never grow up.
Let’s never grow old.

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