A Purpose | Teen Ink

A Purpose

April 15, 2011
By ChrisDDWalker GOLD, Chaleroi, Pennsylvania
ChrisDDWalker GOLD, Chaleroi, Pennsylvania
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You think you have nothing,
You think you’re worthless,
You are someone special,
You have a life,
Special to some you’ve never met,
Look at yourself in the mirror and know you have a purpose,

We all have something to look forward to,
We all have a reason to live,
We all need someone to stand by,
No matter what we all have a purpose,

Everybody cries at sad moments,
Everyone smiles at the happy,
Everybody makes mistakes,
Everyone messes up,
However everyone has a purpose.

The author's comments:
I myself was feeling depressed and I felt writing would help, after scribbling down ideas, I had most of this. You are worth something!

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