Peace is Obsolete | Teen Ink

Peace is Obsolete

April 29, 2011
By BarryPie GOLD, Salem, New Hampshire
BarryPie GOLD, Salem, New Hampshire
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Love is like a butterfly. The more you chase it, the more it runs away. But sit still, and wait, and it will come to you." - Tim Golden

We are overseas,
fighting a war.
You ask for more,
but you don’t want it.
Asking for us to pull out,
without a doubt,
the government will listen.
The pleas and cries,
we fall like flies.
And their people don’t want us there.
We are trying to fair,
but all we do is scare.
We are trying to fight,
the war on terror.
But people are fighting it,
they don’t want war.
They want peace.
There will never be peace,
till the terror is gone.
Peace is obsolete.

The author's comments:
Written about wars overseas.

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