LIES form YOU | Teen Ink


June 7, 2011
By Kachi BRONZE, Peoria, Illinois
Kachi BRONZE, Peoria, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

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Breathings a burdan we all have to bare and trust is one thing we're taught never to share and somehow you just seem to shine.

As you breath the heavy air the midnight

rain on the night. A looking glass that is broken. A shattered world with know ending as you fall into the night.

Recalling the past as you remember what its like for the unforgiving. The grieving pain you have in your heart. Your world comes crumbling down.

Unable to find yourself beneath all the lies you bury yourself into. The debt your lies cost you your life. Nowhere to run nowhere to hide.

The night breaths and mutters your name as you run. For the truth is so over more clear. Waiting and wanting the blood that you seek .

Try to understand you lose. You are no more. Not even a waist of my time and breath. I guess your out of time. So have a sorrow good bye.

The author's comments:
I wrote this poem about an ex that didnt really love me as I thought he did

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