Mental Nature Walk | Teen Ink

Mental Nature Walk

May 2, 2011
By mbdaughteroftheking BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
mbdaughteroftheking BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I can do all things through Christ who strenthens me."
-Phillipians 4:13

I am going to take you by the hand
and lead you on a mental nature walk.

Prepare yourself, for you will be amazed, captivated,

when you find what you can experience
if you let everything go.

Listen closely to the soothing silence in faraway fields,
feel the organic textures of the flourishing forest,
smell the enchanting, aromatic fragrances of the fragile flowers
which cover the world in a soft perfume blanket.

Savor every moment the sand massages between your toes,
the soft grass tickles at your ankles,
and the dirt cools your bare feet.

Birds of every color,
blue, white, red, yellow,
sing chorally into the clear air with exuberant voices.

The wind blows calmly,
displacing everything for but a moment,
shifting the clouds that make shadows
which fall upon your face,
traveling in and out of every crevice,
seeking new places to investigate.

The sun shines brilliantly upon all,
illuminating everything it touches with warm rays,
shimmering on the serene lake nearby.

As you walk around your hand in mine,
take in my world,
the world I love with all of my existence,
the world I would fight for with every last breath,
the world I would not dare to live without.

The world that is an incredible creation,

made perfect only by a transcendent Savior.

The wonderful world that was created by Him,

created beautiful just like me.

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