The Runner | Teen Ink

The Runner

May 9, 2011
By XCrunner BRONZE, The Woodlands, Texas
XCrunner BRONZE, The Woodlands, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I race forward, 
Pushing the limits of my mortal body,
Passing the people who have quit,
But I will not quit,
I will not quit when my body tells me no, 
I will not quit when tempted by others,
I will not conform to worldly temptations, 
Because I maybe the only one running,
 But I am not alone,
And I will not run away from fate,
But towards it,
And when my heart can beat no more,
And my legs give 'way,
I will know that I have won,
For I have beaten all others who have quit,
I have raced with all I can give,
On this course of misfortune and pain we call society,
I raced forward,
And I fall knowing I have won this race known as life,
And I fall with a smile on my face,
The light slowly leaving my eyes,
When my worn heart stops. 

The author's comments:
My coach made us run four miles today and I when I saw all the kids who were stopping I was reminded of what my teacher told me. She said she prayed that one of us could stand up to peer pressure and to not drink or do drugs or any thin like that. Although it may not seem like the same thing, I think giving up is a lot like peer pressure only your body is pressuring you to give up. But you have to be strong to ignore it and continue. So I decide to fuse the ideas.

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