The Scars Of My Wallowing Sorrows. | Teen Ink

The Scars Of My Wallowing Sorrows.

May 14, 2011
By anisanasir_11 PLATINUM, Orlando, Other
anisanasir_11 PLATINUM, Orlando, Other
23 articles 0 photos 36 comments

Favorite Quote:
All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream. -Edgar Allan Poe
~"Paper is more patient than people,"~Anne Frank
"Inspiration from the heart is written in the dark."~Anisa Nasir

The pain of living to see another day
Bringing back my past memories, they turn grey
The scars left behind from my lost spirit
Plays the song of my broken heart, to my lyrics.

I’ve never seen darker nights
Prying its way through, to the open lights
Trying to stop wallowing in my sorrows
Trying to look forward to tomorrow.

Better days lie ahead
This writer leaves her bed
Remembering the scars of her wallowing sorrows…

The author's comments:
This piece is merely a description of my feelings. As an aspiring writer, I need to capture every moment, good or bad, and turn it into something worth while.

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