That Summer | Teen Ink

That Summer

May 1, 2011
lauraq16 SILVER,
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Yesterday is history. Tomorrow's a mystery. But today is a gift, that is why they call it the present."- Anonymous

I’ll always remember your pale blue Chevy truck with the brown seats.
I remember putting my feet up on the dashboard after a long day of driving.
And how there was no air conditioning, so we rolled down the windows and I laughed as my hair caressed my face.
I’ll always remember how you took me to that open field and we watched the sunset, as we talked about life.

I still laugh as I remember your short glossy, colored hair.
It’ll be hard to forget that kiss we shared in the rain right before curfew.
It was hard saying good bye, but never wanting to.
I’ll always remember that summer.

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