People Change, You're Proof; but Memories Scream for Acknowledgment | Teen Ink

People Change, You're Proof; but Memories Scream for Acknowledgment

May 3, 2011
By Anonymous

Daddy's best friend
Momma's worst enemy
Pain that wasn't quick to end
Thank God for selective memory

Dirty house, dirty clothes
Dirty world, dirty me
Dirty mind, scarred
The things I was allowed to see

Beer cans sitting empty
The poison already making the beast
Hiding, be quiet
Run before Daddy sees

Underneath the bed
Back where the switch couldn't reach
Shh, sissy, stop
Please try not to scream

People change, we all did
Growing up and out of fear
We blocked out the nights we cried
And listened to screams we tried not to hear

Darkness would come, and madness would descend
But now it's all like a dream to me
And every night had it's end
Thank God for selective memory

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