No Chance | Teen Ink

No Chance

April 29, 2011
By essence292 BRONZE, Albuquerque, New Mexico
essence292 BRONZE, Albuquerque, New Mexico
2 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
" If you argue your limitations, they will most certainly be yours."

For a moment
nothing matters
Except for the news
That just followed through

The world moves in slow-mo
Words can't be processed
I don't know if today will be my last

They just put an expiration date
to my name
They say fourteen months i'll last
'till it's my turn to pass

But what about my first kiss?
What about dressed in white, a moment of bliss?
Where's those blue eyes on a child's face
What about growing gray, with someone who stays?

Where's a newborn's laugh,
in a small white house surrounded by grass?
It seems they don't understand
I've had no chance

What about a white paper scroll,
strings on a hat
What about a big round belly and a small little kick?

Now memories flash back
Of all my good times, all my laughs
Where'd the time go and why can't it stay

Now I know
Now it's to late
I've got no chance
At fourteen years old

To live my life,
to happily grow old
I have no chance

The author's comments:
This is about a young girl who was diagnosed with cancer. No it's not based of me.

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