Love! | Teen Ink


April 11, 2011
By KPope BRONZE, Ottumwa, Iowa
KPope BRONZE, Ottumwa, Iowa
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

People think love is graceful
That everyday is will be full of joy
Or giving each other things like flowers and chocolates
But its not
Love is hard to come by
And when you find it you gotta work for it
You gotta work hard

Love is when you think about that person 24-7
You can't get them off your mind
You cherish the seconds you spend with them
And hate every second that they are away
It's when you call them to just hear their voice
Or sit on the phone for hours not saying anything knowing their there on the other like

Love isn't easy
It does have its flaws
It's when you nit-pick and fight over the smallest things
You scream and shout louder than one another
Just so that you can try to get your point across
It's when you fight constantly and say a few words knowing that they know that you don't mean it
It's when you work so hard to make things right
Even though they don't want to listen
But you still don't give up
It's when you work your hardest to make her/him happy

Love is when you hold her/him close to you
Not wanting to let them go
It's when you show your wild/weird side knowing they wont care and just laugh
It's when you go in public and don't care about what other people think
When you don't let anything become between you two
It's when you lay there staring at her/him thinking to yourself "How did i get so lucky?"

Love is incredible
It can make you feel good
Really good
But it can also make you feel low,
Extremely low
It can put the biggest smile on your face
And it can make you burst into tears

Its not always laughs and smiles
It's also tears and frowns
That's why we have to work hard
And not give up on one another
You will have your ups and downs
But one thing
You can't just give up
Because love is not just smiles and laughs
It's also frowns and tears
Just dont give up on each other

The author's comments:
I wrote this because this is how i see and feel love. I'm in a relationship and we have had our part in laughs and smiles and also our tears and frowns but we didnt give up on each other we kept working on it

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