Health and Heartbreak | Teen Ink

Health and Heartbreak

April 23, 2011
By IzzyCult BRONZE, Katy, Texas
IzzyCult BRONZE, Katy, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Do what you will, but not what you won't."
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, Overlooked, and now it's over."

This ache in my chest
Is my heart you’ve broken
Or the breath I try to wheeze
From my broken lungs?

This ache in my chest
Does it burn because of
The fire you set upon me?
Or because of my sickly disease?

This ache in my chest
I can't figure it out
Do I want it to stop?
Or continue until I meet my demise?

This ache in my chest…
Is it the betrayal of two people I trusted?
Or is it my body betraying me?
What am I supposed to think? To feel?

This ache in my chest…
Are the tears caused from your words?
Or the pain that it takes for every breath to escape?
Am I crying because of you?

This ache in my chest…
It hurts so bad…
So bad…

This ache in my chest…
I can't breathe!!
Do you not see your words hurt me!?
…I can't breathe.

This ache in my chest…
Wheeze after wheeze after wheeze…
My lungs feel like they’re going to implode.
Or is it my heart? Exploding?

This ache in my chest…
You just love to hurt me…
I don't even know the difference between
Heartbreak and health ache.

This ache in my chest…
Coughing trying to relieve…
Tears flowing down my cheeks

This ache in my chest…
Help me…
It’s burning…
Am I dying?

This ache in my chest…
What is it?
Why am I hurting?
What have you done to me?

This ache in my chest…
It’s spreading.
Burning. Hurting. Crying.
Save me…

This ache in my chest…
It won't go away.
My eyes are stinging.
My lungs are heaving.

This ache in my chest…
Somebody save me…
Nobody will save me.
Nobody to help me. All alone.

This ache in my chest…
Why am I crying?
Why am I wheezing?
Why am I coughing?

This ache in my chest…
A gunshot to my heart.
A knife to my lungs.
A splinter to my soul.

This ache in my chest…
And heartbreak.
Somehow I want to blame it all on you.

This ache in my chest…
It hurts.
It burns.
But you won't save me.

The author's comments:
Sobbing your pains away when you cant even breathe...

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