Don't Hate | Teen Ink

Don't Hate

April 22, 2011
By Kaybee94 BRONZE, Kettle Falls, Washington
Kaybee94 BRONZE, Kettle Falls, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

What reason?
Do you even have one?
What did they do to you?
What makes you think you are so much better?
Are you? In whose eyes?
Could you say concieted?
Need I go on?
Are you jealous?
Because maybe you aren't like them?
What is it? Do you have an answer?

Yeah, I'm talking to you,
The one with the problem,
You think you're hot,
But all that hate and talk only makes you ugly.

It's people like you who don't understand,
People like you who discriminate to hide your own insecurities,
You deceive,
Pointing our others faults hoping yours might not be seen.

In the end it all comes back,
In the end only your screw ups show,
And then, finally you'll be in those shoes,
In the shoes of those you once laughed at.

How do you think it might feel then?
How do you think it might feel being the one you once thought was so low?
You have feelings right? Then believe me,
You'll know what it feels like.

By then it may be too late,
If you don't know or don't understand,
Simply, don't hate.

The author's comments:
Something I wrote for a school project.

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