Desert Flower | Teen Ink

Desert Flower

April 28, 2011
By Anonymous

As I imagine u and me I immortalize your image
You are my goddess yet I don’t aim to be your equal
I drift off into the melodic rhythm that our body language chants over and over again
Relentless emotions knock on your soul’s front door with the temptation to intrigue lustful actions
Floating as if we were the smoke fog created by the steam we blow off through our own type of venting.
Match made in Heaven, This is our personal master plan created by the Man upstairs
So as I carry you up the steps I whisper my thanks to God for you..................
but when I stare in space and think of you.....
I reminisce on how much we've experienced and how that caused us to progressed.
When I look in your eyes...
I think of how much I've seen you cry...
In desperation of some assurance that our love is mutual...
Because as much as I preach on how much I don't want anybody else
As much as I kiss and and hold you close...
My sermon isnt nothinn but a repeat.
As much as i show youu that im not the same
It doesn't yet prove how much Im in love with you
This circustance is paralyzing the growth of our love during our adolescence...
One among many...
A dime among pennies....
A dove among a quarrel of women quarrlin over questionably faithful men...
You, relieve me of their infliction,
My Desert Flower you are...
You're location in my life is vital...
You stand vibrant among the black&white copies among my atmosphere...
Babygirl, I want you as much as I want my next breath
So go ahead, lay your head on my chest and observe how my heart's metronome mocks yours...
You're the cause of the slight break in between beats...
Im the reason your toes curl and you cringe your feet...
I adore you, My Desert Flower...
And i intend to make sure you blossom and we bloom each sunrise... Until our last full-moon
Can't wait pollinate to you, my Desert Flower...
But for now... I'll focus on learning the path to your heart...
No map... But babygirl let me know if I'm hot or cold...
I'm up to the task.

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