Just a girl | Teen Ink

Just a girl

April 27, 2011
By Eve94 BRONZE, Kingston, Tennessee
Eve94 BRONZE, Kingston, Tennessee
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"When life gives you lemons you take them and squirt them in the eyes of your enemies"

She covers her eyes in black
to cover up the pain from the past
you can see in her eyes
the scars she hides
deep inside and out
she smiles
to cover up the tears
she laughs
to hide all of her fears
she never lets go
but she's moving on
slowly letting go
memories fade
but never forgetting
never forgetting the pain
she will never be the same person
she found love
holding onto happiness tightly
hiding the jealousy
holding back the tears
always smiling
always laughing
but silently breaking down

The author's comments:
my past kinda gave me this idea and how u forget alot of the stuff you did because it hurts to remember but there is always something good and you cant mix your past with the present because it tears you apart

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